lab 15 Undoing Staged Changes
(before committing)


Change the file and stage the change 01

Modify the hello.rb file to have a bad comment

File: hello.rb

# This is an unwanted but staged comment
name = ARGV.first || "World"

puts "Hello, #{name}!"

And then go ahead and stage it.


git add hello.rb

Check the Status 02

Check the status of your unwanted change.


git status


$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#	modified:   hello.rb

The status output shows that the change has been staged and is ready to be committed.

Reset the Staging Area 03

Fortunately the status output tells us exactly what we need to do to unstage the change.


git reset HEAD hello.rb


$ git reset HEAD hello.rb
Unstaged changes after reset:
M	hello.rb

The reset command resets the staging area to be whatever is in HEAD. This clears the staging area of the change we just staged.

The reset command (by default) doesn’t change the working directory. So the working directory still has the unwanted comment in it. We can use the checkout command of the previous lab to remove the unwanted change from the working directory.

Checkout the Committed Version 04


git checkout hello.rb
git status


$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

And our working directory is clean once again.

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