lab 25 Navigating Branches


You now have two branches in your project:


git hist --all


$ git hist --all
* 28917a4 2013-04-13 | Updated Rakefile (HEAD, greet) [Jim Weirich]
* 4dac415 2013-04-13 | Hello uses Greeter [Jim Weirich]
* 39347b3 2013-04-13 | Added greeter class [Jim Weirich]
* 96ee164 2013-04-13 | Added a Rakefile. (master) [Jim Weirich]
* 0f36766 2013-04-13 | Moved hello.rb to lib [Jim Weirich]
* eb30103 2013-04-13 | Add an author/email comment [Jim Weirich]
* 1f7ec5e 2013-04-13 | Added a comment (v1) [Jim Weirich]
* 582495a 2013-04-13 | Added a default value (v1-beta) [Jim Weirich]
* 323e28d 2013-04-13 | Using ARGV [Jim Weirich]
* 9416416 2013-04-13 | First Commit [Jim Weirich]

Switch to the Master Branch 01

Just use the git checkout command to switch between branches.


git checkout master
cat lib/hello.rb


$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
$ cat lib/hello.rb
# Default is World
# Author: Jim Weirich (
name = ARGV.first || "World"

puts "Hello, #{name}!"

You are now on the master branch. You can tell because the hello.rb file doesn’t use the Greeter class.

Switch Back to the Greet Branch. 02


git checkout greet
cat lib/hello.rb


$ git checkout greet
Switched to branch 'greet'
$ cat lib/hello.rb
require 'greeter'

# Default is World
name = ARGV.first || "World"

greeter =
puts greeter.greet

The contents of the lib/hello.rb confirms we are back on the greet branch.

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